Volusia County has made amazing progress in preserving environmentally critical lands and has developed over a dozen well-maintained natural parks. One of these parks now protects Gemini Springs. The county, along with Florida governmental partners, saved this charming pair of springs from development as a condominium site. The twin springs discharge an average of 6 million gallons of water per day that make their way into Mullet Lake, Lake Monroe and eventually into the St. Johns River.
This free park also includes a wonderful nature trail that takes hikers through a large grove of primeval-looking live oaks covered in Spanish moss and is an ideal access point to Volusia County’s developing system of bicycle trails. When complete, the Spring-to-Spring Trail will allow cyclists to travel easily to all of the other major springs in the county, including Green Springs, Blue Spring and DeLeon Springs. On-site camping is also an attractive option. Gemini Springs is a source of pride for all of Volusia County.
Extraordinary features of Gemini Springs include:
• the overlook areas next to the two main springs
• the nature trail loop that take hikers past tremendous live oaks draped in Spanish moss.
• canoe access to Mullet Lake and Lake Monroe
Aquatic Gems Site.
Please visit video based version of the project at http://www.floridaaquaticgems.com/
De Bary, FL 32713